Monday Evenings at 6pm:
Starting February 21st, 2022, the men’s bible study will be a verse-by-verse study through the book of Romans.
Come for great teaching, fellowship, coffee and snacks.
718 Highway 89, Chino Valley
Bible Study Links:
After examining only eight different prophecies, the American Scientific Affiliation verified that the chance of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies was one in 10^17. To illustrate how large the number 10^17 is (a figure with 17 zeros), a professor gave this illustration: If we take 10^17 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They’ll cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up the one silver dollar that has the special mark on it. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would’ve had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time.